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Academic Language Matters: EL-Focused Strategies
Examine and apply evidence-based strategies that support EL students with learning and using academic language across content areas. Educators will identify and plan to apply specific strategies to ensure English learners practice and develop the language needed to communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic, social and emotional success.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions,please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 12 PD Credit
Location Location:
Best Practices for Differentiated Instruction
This course will take you through the most current practices in differentiated instruction. No matter your content area or grade level, you will end the course with an entire unit of planned differentiated instruction that you can implement in your classroom.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 5 PD Credit
Location Location:
Building a Trauma Sensitive School
Studies now show that nearly every school has children who have been exposed to overwhelming experiences, such as witnessing violence between their caretakers, being the direct targets of abuse, community violence and other kinds of adversity. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study found higher levels of traumatic experiences in the general population than previously imagined. Among the approximately 17,000 adults surveyed, just over 50% reported having experienced at least one form of childhood adversity. A trauma-sensitive school is one where all students feel safe, welcomed, and supported.  This school will constantly be addressing trauma’s impact on learning on a school-wide basis.  This is at the center of its educational mission. This course is designed to delve into the elements of what is necessary to develop or even enhance a Trauma Sensitive School.  Topics include Core Principles, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Mapping Triggers, Trauma Sensitive Assessment, Multitiered Approach, Collaboration, SEL, and Guiding Questions.

This course was created through the Professional Development Alliance in collaboration with ROE 56 & ROE 24.
The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @[email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 20 PD Credit
Location Location:
Creativity in the Classroom: From Canva to Coding
In this course you will explore a variety of technology tools to boost engagement, promote social emotional learning, and so much more.  This course will help you immediately incorporate new ideas into your classroom.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 6 PD Credit
Location Location:
Ditch the Worksheet- Assessment and Management
Hello and welcome to part one of a four part series of "Ditch the Worksheet." This class on "assessment" will provide you with ways to throw out the worksheets you use for reviews, assessments, and daily activities to provide new ways to encourage students to learn with technology.

In 2018, we presented for the first time together “Ditch the Worksheet” at the Raising Student Achievement Conference. Since then, we have encouraged teachers and administrators to get rid of the traditional teaching style of handing out worksheets to check for understanding and completion and switch to a more digital approach with the use of technology tools!

We hope you find many new ideas to be able to immediately incorporate into your classroom.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected].
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 4 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 1: Introduction to Social Emotional Learning
This introductory workshop will expose and guide teachers to understand Social Emotional Learning (SEL) definitions, research, and guidelines. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) will be explored and their statistical evolution bringing us to this school year. We will examine research to support SEL through the report-“HOW SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING CAN EMPOWER CHILDREN AND CHANGE SCHOOLS.” We will explore the CASEL website as a jumping-off point for SEL research and guidance. We will also dive into inspirational videos and articles from Edutopia and TED Talks. Examining Why and How SEL can come into your school and classroom is a focal point of this class. Class members will examine the Illinois State Board of Education SEL Curriculum for their grade level. The class will include videos, literature exploration, current research, curricular reflections, and immersive activities.

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 20 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 2: Self Awareness- Designing Activities for Your Classroom
Workshops #2- #6 will each dive into the separate components of Social Emotional Learning and can be taken in any order. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Self-Awareness component of SEL and to develop both implicit and explicit programs for your grade-level classrooms based on the Illinois State Standards. This workshop will lead teachers through the standards to help identify what areas you already fulfilled and where your defiญcits are currently. Numerous examples and opportunities to participate in appropriate activities will inspire participants to start developing their own curriculum and activities. Participants will discover through a myriad of media including educational articles, website exploration, videos, book excerpts, current events, and social media groups. The goal is to walk away with a fiญrm foundation and a myriad of activities provided and developed during each session both for
teacher planning and student learning. 

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 21 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 3 Self Management- Designing Activities for Your Classroom

Workshops #2- #6 will each dive into the separate components of Social Emotional Learning and can be taken in any order. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Self-Management component of SEL and to develop both implicit and explicit programs for your grade level classrooms based on the Illinois State Standards. This workshop will lead teachers through the standards to help identify what areas you already fulfilled and where your deficits are currently. Examples and opportunities to participate in appropriate activities will inspire participants to start developing their own curriculum and activities. Participants will discover through a myriad of media including educational articles, website exploration, videos, book excerpts, current events, and social media groups. The goal is to walk away with a firm foundation, and a myriad of activities provided and developed during each session both for teacher planning and student learning.

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]
Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 21 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 4: Social Awareness- Designing Activities for Your Classroom

Workshops #2- #6 will each dive into the separate components of Social Emotional Learning and can be taken in any order. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Social-Awareness component of SEL and to develop both implicit and explicit programs for your grade level classrooms based on the Illinois State Standards. This workshop will lead teachers through the standards to help identify what areas you already fulfilled and where your deficits are currently. Examples and opportunities to participate in appropriate activities will inspire participants to start developing their own curriculum and activities. Participants will discover through a myriad of media including educational articles, website exploration, videos, book excerpts, current events, and social media groups. The goal is to walk away with a firm foundation and a myriad of activities provided and developed during each session both for teacher planning and student learning. 

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 23 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 5 Relationship Skills: - Designing Activities for Your Classroom

Workshops #2- #6 will each dive into the separate components of Social Emotional Learning and can be taken in any order. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Social-Awareness component of SEL and to develop both implicit and explicit programs for your grade level classrooms based on the Illinois State Standards. This workshop will lead teachers through the standards to help identify what areas you already fulfilled and where your defiญcits are currently. Examples and opportunities to participate in appropriate activities will inspire participants to start developing their own curriculum and activities. Participants will discover through a myriad of media including educational articles, website exploration, videos, book excerpts, current events, and social media groups. The goal is to walk away with a fiญrm foundation and a myriad of activities provided and developed during each session both for teacher planning and student learning. 

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 23 PD Credit
Location Location:
Embracing Social Emotional Learning Series- Part 6 Responsible Decision-Making Skills: Designing Activities for Your Classroom

Workshops #2- #6 will each dive into the separate components of Social Emotional Learning and can be taken in any order. This workshop will provide an opportunity to learn about the Social-Awareness component of SEL and to develop both implicit and explicit programs for your grade level classrooms based on the Illinois State Standards. This workshop will lead teachers through the standards to help identify what areas you already fulfilled and where your deficits are currently. Examples and opportunities to participate in appropriate activities will inspire participants to start developing their own curriculum and activities. Participants will discover through a myriad of media including educational articles, website exploration, videos, book excerpts, current events, and social media groups. The goal is to walk away with a firm foundation and a myriad of activities provided and developed during each session both for teacher planning and student learning. 

This class is appropriate for anyone in the education field looking to learn about the latest information in Social Emotional Learning. Each class can be completed at your own pace over a 60-day period.  The instructor will respond to your posts within 48 hours and all posts are complete or incomplete. Participants will complete an evaluation at the end of the course and receive their PD credit within 2 weeks.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 21 PD Credit
Location Location:
Flipping Your Classroom
This is an introductory course for participants who wish to explore the instructional methods related to the Flipped Classroom. Included will be examples and models for both flipping your entire classroom, and/or just flipping a lesson. Activities are intended to develop a clearer understanding of the concepts surrounding The Flipped Classroom.

This introductory course will cover the basics for the Flipped Classroom method of instruction. Provided will be an introduction of online video resources that can be easily utilized by educators.

Specifically participants will:
Learn about the development of the Flipped classroom
Compare Flipped classroom instruction to traditional classroom instruction.
Explore the benefits of utilizing a Flipped Classroom model of instruction.
View a variety of Flipped learning resources to help get started.
Develop a plan for integrating the Flipped model of instruction.

This course was created through the Grundy/Kendall ROE. The Kane County Regional Office of Education & Illinois Online Academy are in no way responsible for the content within this course.

If you have any questions, please contact Hallie Brenczewski @ [email protected]

Dates Dates: 60 Days to Complete
Credits Credits: 10 PD Credit
Location Location:
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