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The focus will be on the process of creating and delivering effective presentations. Participants will learn a replicable process for taking complicated information and presenting to staff and key stakeholders in a relevant and memorable format. They will also develop the ability to identify the principles that underlie powerful presentations. The course will be divided into 5 segments: storytelling, story boarding, sharpening the design, shaping with technology and selling the presentation. New skills and design knowledge will enhance the ability to tell stories and impart essential information in an efficient manner.
Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. More![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The Use of Restorative Practices in Schools provides participants effective classroom/school management strategies, and appropriate disciplinary methods that promote positive and healthy school climates. Participants will learn Restorative Practices are multifaceted in nature and include: interventions when harm has happened, practices to prevent harm and conflict by building a sense of community, a sense of belonging, safety, and social responsibility in the school community. Participants will learn informal and formal restorative practices such as restorative questions, pro-active circles, and restorative conferences. Participants will gain the knowledge to develop a school or classroom discipline plan based on the principles of Restorative Practices.
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Participants will learn skills and strategies to design and plan effective meetings including purpose, process, preparation and pacing. This course will help participants apply facilitation tools and techniques to actively engage all team members. They will examine and assess the various methods to identify, implement and monitor team decisions. As a result of this academy, participants will think differently and make their meetings matter.
Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. More![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This interactive and engaging academy enables participants to understand the concept of Servant Leadership and its application in the educational setting. The Servant Leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. This academy weaves together 10 Servant Leadership characteristics/practices. Participants begin to examine their own beliefs about leaders, leadership, and themselves as it relates to the servant leader model and learn the behaviors necessary to practice servant leadership. Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This Administrator Academy is designed for educational leaders to reflect on leadership in the context of Generation Z and develop an action plan to lead at the school or district level for all generations. This Administrator Academy will use a book study approach to frame reflection, discussions, and planning. Participants in this book study will: -Identify and evaluate how Generation Z is different from other generations and the effect that has on leadership. -Recognize the nine challenges of leading Generation Z and apply the model PROVE (Problem, Relationships, Ownership, Visuals, and Experience) to build capacity of coaching. -Analyze their own leadership style and create an action plan to address working with all generations as a leader. The learning experience will occur over a period of 60 days providing an opportunity to reflect and apply the new ideas into their practice. Participants will be required to purchase the book. Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. More![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
This course is designed to support school leaders in understanding the effects of burnout and compassion fatigue that their staff may encounter as the first responders to student trauma.
Throughout this academy participants will: -Learn how to identify risk factors and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout with their staff. -Be able to seamlessly implement preventative measures and interventions to combat compassion fatigue and burnout. -Identify the role trauma plays within their school and explain the difference between primary and secondary trauma and the effects it has on students and faculty. -Distinguish between compassion fatigue and burnout in order to be able to establish how to support and intervene accordingly. Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
This course will provide participants with the research and
tools needed to support implementing Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
system-wide to improve conditions for learning and student achievement.
Participants will understand and be able to address the Illinois Social and
Emotional Learning Standards, research that supports implementing SEL into
district and school practices and policies, and supports for the conditions for
learning as well as assessing the current levels of SEL implementation. Participants
will develop a one year plan outlining next steps to address implementing SEL
Once all components of the Academy are completed, the Kane County ROE will process the Academy within 30 days and the participant will receive an email once the processing is completed. Participants of the online Administrator Academy must have all requirements completed by June 15, 2025, allowing time for review and processing with ISBE, in order for them to receive their annual Administrator Academy credit for the 2024-2025 school year. All academies completed after June 15, 2025 will be awarded to the following 2025-2026 school year. More ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
AA#4080: Your Data Tells the Story: Fostering Equitable Environments Through Difficult Conversations
In this course, participants will have an opportunity to identify and examine priority data sources from their setting (i.e. behavioral, academic, and demographic data) and learn strategies to engage their teams in identifying possible trends and blindspots that indicate inequitable practices. Research from our field indicates concerning patterns and disparate practices around the intersectionality of race and disability status. Participants will be exposed to activities and strategies to help them foster a more equitable lens as they examine complex data, as well as helping their teams have difficult conversations to address concerning patterns of disproportionality that is born out of the data. Participants will also become familiar with The Equity Journey Continuum from ISBE and how you can leverage additional data to tell your district's equity story and help your teams having difficult conversations.
Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled. More ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Participants will assess the instruction provided for English learners (ELs) in their school/district with the appropriate Key Practices checklist analyze district level policies and procedures impacting instruction for ELs identify and evaluate action steps to improve instruction and programming for ELs at the school level and analyze and assess strategies for positively improving classroom instruction and assessment for ELs.
Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled. More ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
This Administrator Academy is designed to meet the needs of school leaders interested in developing professionally through the context of a book study. Book studies are effective ways for administrators to stay current on educational topics and best practices while engaging in collaborative discourse with peers. For this academy, the book chosen must be non-fiction, published within the past 5 years from the date of participating in the academy, and addresses at least one of the following topics: academic standards, diversity, equity, inclusion, culture + climate, curriculum, data analysis, technology, content- specific, or assessments.
Kane County ROE has chosen the book The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt for this Academy. Over the course of 4 weeks, participants will learn about the research behind banning cellphones in schools as well as the benefits of increasing free time, in-person interactions, and independence among students. *Participants will need to purchase the book and attend all 4 sessions in order to receive credit. Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled.
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Participants will learn how to apply the work of John Hattie's high impact strategies to improve school climate, foster relationships among all staff, increase the focus on learning and how to create a culture of sharing the learning load among staff. This session provides opportunities to implement collective efficacy at your school which leads to leads to higher levels of satisfaction for both staff and students as well as higher student achievement. It will focus on concepts that deepen collaborative conversations among staff and bring focus on student achievement for all. The session will focus on reflecting and problem solving school based situations from a variety of perspectives, understanding the various approaches to conservation and building accountability among staff.
Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
This Administrator Academy is designed for educational leaders to reflect on leadership in the context of Generation Z and develop an action plan to lead at the school or district level for all generations. This Administrator Academy will use a book study approach to frame reflection, discussions, and planning.
Participants in this book study will: -Identify and evaluate how Generation Z is different from other generations and the effect that has on leadership. -Recognize the nine challenges of leading Generation Z and apply the model PROVE (Problem, Relationships, Ownership, Visuals, and Experience) to build capacity of coaching. - Analyze their own leadership style and create an action plan to address working with all generations as a leader. Refunds will be issued only to participants who call the ROE seven (7) business days before the start date of the program or if the program is cancelled.
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